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ISTE Standard #5: Engage in professional growth and leadership

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

Personal Definition: This standard holds teachers accountable to being lifelong learners. A large part of an educator's professional life should be growth and self-renewal through professional development; this standard connects that growth to learning about and with tech tools. Additionally, this standard emphasizes the importance of participating in local and global learning communities, teacher leadership, and technology advocacy.


Artifacts that Align:

  • 5A: Action Plan for MEASRES 6205: Educational Research. This sub-standard involves participating in local and global learning communities to use technology to enhance student learning. This action research plan was created with a partner. We developed a plan to determine whether using Google Docs affected writing instruction in our language arts classes.


  • 5B and 5D: Leading Change Project from INSTTECH 6237: Leading Change Through Instructional Technology. These sub-standards involve exhibiting leadership as an instructional technology advocate and contributing to the self-renewal of the profession and school community. This plan described my roll-out of the new MLA citation curriculum changes in the language arts department in my district.


  • 5B: 21st Century Learning Project from INSTTECH 6232: Selecting and Integrating Instructional Technology. This sub-standard involves exhibiting leadership as an instructional technology advocate. This project was a presentation describing a unit based on 21st century learning in an English classroom. In the unit, students researched and created documentary films.


  • 5C: Literature Review from INSTTECH 6250: Writing a Grad Paper/Portfolio. This sub-standard involves the use of current research to support student learning using technology. This culminating project was a literature review focusing on research of technology tools in writing instruction.


  • 5C and 5D: Action Research for INSTTECH 6205: Enhancing Learning Through Action Research. These sub-standards involve the use of current research to support student learning using technology as well as contributing to the self-renewal of the profession and school community. This action research plan was created for possible future implementation in a language arts class. It describes the plan for determining whether Google's Read & Write extension can help with writing instruction.


Explanation of Criteria:

  • 5A: Action Plan for MEASRES 6205: Educational Research. This plan shows that I am interested in improving my practice and showing leadership through a systematic action research implementation. I participated in a learning community with my partner, who lives and teaches in a different city in Iowa.


  • 5B and 5D: Leading Change Project from INSTTECH 6237: Leading Change Through Instructional Technology. The description of this change implementation demonstrates my interest in leading an innovation in my school as a part of improving our practices as a language arts department. This contributes to the renewal of our profession in that we must update our curriculum and strategies when our content changes, such as the MLA update.


  • 5B: 21st Century Learning Project from INSTTECH 6232: Selecting and Integrating Instructional Technology. This unit shows my ability to integrate digital tools in a 21st century learning experience into my own content and in a way that incorporates other global citizens. As a Model Teacher for my school, I would invite other teachers to observe this unit and would exhibit my ability as a technology advocate.


  • 5C: Literature Review from INSTTECH 6250: Writing a Grad Paper/Portfolio. This literature review demonstrates my ability to connect current research into themes covering the use of technology tools in writing instruction. 


  • 5C and 5D: Action Research for INSTTECH 6205: Enhancing Learning Through Action Research. This action research plan demonstrates my interest in and ability to use current research on the use of technology tools in writing instruction. It also shows my ability to take a new technology tool and use it in a creative way in my instruction, contributing to the self-renewal of the curriculum. 

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